Reimagine yourself, Own who you are, Act on what’s next for you, Reassess your relationships. This is a mantra that Michael Clinton lives by. And this conversation with him is one that I’ve been really excited to release.
Michael is a best-selling author and former magazine publisher and president for Hearst magazine. He is a writer-at-large for Esquire as well as a regular columnist for Men’s Health. When he is not writing, he is an expert and keynote speaker on life longevity. Michael began really living out his ambitions later in life and is passionate about making this the new norm. He is an avid photographer, world traveler, pilot, and marathon runner and is nowhere close to slowing down.
In this episode, we dive into his latest book ROAR: Into the Second Half of Your Life (Before It’s Too Late). While his book holds 40 life-changing stories, we only touch on a couple of these role models who reimagined their life and started a whole new chapter. We have an intriguing discussion on the importance of knowing that when you go into the second half of your life that it’s not the end of it.
Michael brings his tried and true experience on how starting a new chapter at any age is not only possible but can be the new standard using his ROAR mantra. Whether it’s starting a business, traveling the world, or running a marathon after 50 – reimagine your life before someone else does it.
This was an eye-opening conversation. I hope you found it as awakening and as meaningful as I did.
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Links Worth Exploring
- Connect with Michael: Website | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
- Michael’s Book: Roar into the Second Half of Your Life (before it’s too late)
- Related Conversation: Episode 251: Being a Late Bloomer with Rich Karlgaard
- Related Blog Post: Is Moving Abroad A Good Productivity Hack?
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Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later.