Episode 426: Brad Stulberg talks about The Practice of Groundedness

This episode has been highly anticipated. Great guest. Great book. And a great conversation.

Brad Stulberg is a coach and speaker on sustainable performance and well-being. You may have read one of his many articles in The New York Times, Time Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, and many others! He has been helping people reach their full potential as an author and coach, and in this episode, we dive into one of his latest books – The Practice of Groundedness: A Transformative Path to Success that Feeds—Not Crushes—Your Soul

With rates of burnout and workplace resignations at an all-time high – Brad and I discuss why sustainable performance, building strong fundamentals, and practicing groundedness are as crucial as ever – and how patience ties it all together.

Brad even opens up about why he is never fully grounded. Want to know why? Listen and find out.

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