Not only is Shaahin Cheyene the author of Billion: How I Became King of the Thrill Pill Cult but he is also the creator of herbal ecstasy, the nootropic pill that sparked the 100% legal smart drug movement. He’s further established himself as an award-winning entrepreneur, Amazon expert, inventor, author, and filmmaker. He’s known as the “Willy Wonka of Generation X” and the world’s leading Amazon industry expert.
In this episode, Shaahin and I touch on many topics. It’s a wild ride, so prepare! We dive into why delegation, discipline, and patience are all integral cogs when running any successful business, what red flags to look out for when hiring in a management position, and the real secret behind making billions. He even provides a sneak-peek into his Amazon Mastery course that has been empowering people to create wealth through Amazon companies around the world.
Shaahin is a successful serial entrepreneur, has lived a colourful life, and has some really invigorating insights on leadership. Hear what he has to say on this episode of A Productive Conversation.
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Links Worth Exploring
- Connect with Shaahin: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter
- Checkout Shaahin’s Amazon Mastery Course: Click here
- Shaahin’s Book: Billion: How I Became King of the Thrill Pill Cult
- Related Conversation: Episode 418: Joshua Becker
- Related Blog Post: Too Busy To Think: 6 Ways To Create More Space
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