Episode 450: Mike Williams talks about Doing to Done


There’s a better way to be the best. 

That’s what Mike Williams shares in his book, Doing to Done: Productivity Made Simple and what we talk about in this episode of A Productive Conversation with Mike Vardy.

He is a speaker, author, executive, and coach who helps leaders obtain small wins with a big impact on their lives and businesses. Today, Mike assists clients using an effective coaching methodology that’s far from complicated. He also used what works to create Doing to Done.

He’s not the only one that’s involved in this book, because it’s illustrated for busy people like us! We talk about why he decided to put illustrations in this book, we dive into things like small wins the power of verbs, reflection, and its important clarity maps, as well as how to get email out of the way, so that you can make the work beats that you want to have last as short (or as long) as you want without having to worry about the external pings that are going on in your life. 

This episode was originally released as a live stream for Premium members of TimeCrafting Trust. Want to take partake in future live streams and much more? Sign up here!

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