Episode 460: Paul Millerd talks about The Pathless Path

I’m really excited to have this conversation with Paul Millerd because I had the chance to meet him back in June of 2022 at the World Domination Summit. We had a fantastic time connecting and discussing our shared interests in productivity and our modern relationship with work. Paul is an independent writer, creator, and sometimes freelancer, and he writes about these topics in a way that I find truly inspiring.

During this conversation, we dive into his book “The Pathless Path” which is all about how people are imagining new paths beyond the default path that many of us grew up with. We talk about his own path and how he’s found success as a writer, as well as discuss my own journey and the paths that we’re each currently on. It’s a really fascinating conversation and I think anyone who’s interested in productivity and finding their own path in life will really enjoy it.

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Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later.