Welcome to this special revisit of my conversation with Charlie Gilkey. Originally broadcast in September 2019, Charlie shares insights into the world of productivity, how to manage projects, both in work and life, and the intricate process he underwent while writing his book.
Key Discussion Points
- Time Management and Seasonal Productivity: How the nature of summer, with its longest days and home-bound children, affects our productivity. The art of pacing oneself to maintain consistent work momentum.
- Project Momentum: The principle of the five projects rule, maintaining focus, and the art of intentionality. The essential questions for adaptation and discernment, and a practical trick to list and complete three main tasks a day.
- Life vs. Work Projects: Exploring the concept of life projects and the psychological struggles tied to initiating and completing them. The value of looking at all tasks, no matter how mundane, as projects.
- The Closet of Doom: The emotional hurdles that many face when starting a project, the importance of project completion, and the mastery that comes with finishing.
- Writing a Productivity Book: Insights into Charlie’s writing process, collaborations with colleagues like yours truly, James Clear, Seth Godin, and others. The battle of dedication that went into the creation of the book.
- Emotion and Logic Harmony: The balance between emotion and logic in storytelling and its significance. Navigating through emotional challenges to maintain story cohesion.
With advice that is both practical and profound, Charlie’s insights can serve as guidance for anyone navigating their projects, be it in life or work. Don’t forget to pick up his book, “Start Finishing: How to Go From Idea to Done”, available from any bookseller.
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Links Worth Exploring
- Connect With Charlie/Productive Flourishing: Website | YouTube | X (née Twitter) | LinkedIn
- The Book We Discussed: Start Finishing: How to Go from Idea to Done
- Another Productive Conversation With Charlie: Watch On My YouTube Channel
- Related Conversation: Episode 127: A Focus on Flourishing with Charlie Gilkey
- Related Blog Post: How To Find Your Way Forward (And Finish)
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Thanks again for listening to A Productive Conversation. See you later.