Today I’m unveiling my first lengthy e-book that isn’t about productivity parody.
Let me explain.

When I was preparing to shift gears with this site, I went back and looked at all of my posts from its inception…back in January 2011. Now that isn’t all that long ago, but I’ve published just a shade under 450 pieces here since I launched. That’s a lot of writing.

Some of the posts were definitely time-specific. Some of them revolved around software and tools – some of which may not stand (or have not stood) the test of time. But some of them had a timelessness to them. And many of these were nestled deep within the archives.

So I decided to bring them to the forefront in the form of (PRE)PRODUCTIVITYIST: the book.

(I’m going to give a hat tip here to my friend Patrick Rhone, for he knows that I’m not exactly reinventing the wheel. I’m basically borrowing the one I saw him using.)

Putting these pieces together took time, as did sifting through everything I’d written to find 24 pieces that I felt worked best in this composition. I’m asking 99¢ for this e-book until midnight (PST) on Monday November 26th Tuesday November 27th in order to be part of what is widely considered to be the biggest shopping weekend of the year. After that date, the price will go up to $1.99.

You can purchase (PRE)PRODUCTIVITYIST: the book for the Kindle and Kindle App here.

I’ve heard from some folks that they’re wondering if I’ll be doing any sort of membership thing here, where they can pay some form of monthly subscription. What I’d rather do is offer these kind of things (as well as unique resources and content) rather than offer some sort of premium membership. So if you want to throw a buck my way for this book, now’s your chance.

I’m also lowering the price of my original e-book The Eventual Planifesto to 99¢ for the same time frame. So if you’re into productivity and you want to have a laugh or two (hopefully/possibly more) at my Colbert-esque attempts to satirize the niche, this is your chance.

It’s been a very good week here at Productivityist.com. Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my work. It really means a lot.

And to my American friends…Happy Thanksgiving!