Productivityist 2.0: The Next Level

Change in the beach

I try to focus more on task than time, but in recent months I realized that it was time for a change here at Productivityist. Over the past year the site has grown, both in terms of offerings and in terms of audience. Ever since I launched the blog, growth has been consistent but between October 2013 and today the growth has been more than consistent – it’s been tremendous. As a result, the realization that change needed to occur rose to the forefront. And that was because of one simple and undeniable fact: Productivityist has become bigger than me.

That’s not to say that Productivityist and I are not intertwined – quite the opposite. When people hear or read about Productivityist, my name is associated with it by default. I love that, but in order for Productivityist to reach its full potential, it needed to become more than just a blog. It needed to become a company.

So it has.

Going forward, Productivityist is going to be more than just me. I’ll be heavily involved, running the day-to-day operations of things, but it won’t be just me delivering the goods here regularly. And that goes beyond the blog as well. That goes for Productivityist Coaching, products, and workshops. Productivityist has evolved, and in order for it to keep evolving and growing, we need more resources. So I’ve asked some phenomenal people I’ve come across in my years online to help build an even better Productivityist. You can read more about the new members of the Productivityist team here.

The mission of Productivityist as a company hasn’t altered all that much from what it was when it was simply a blog where I posted regularly. The aim is to create and deliver content that will help  do the following for every member of our audience:

  1. Be more effective.
  2. Be more efficient.
  3. Be better than ever.

Pushing on the Edge of Productivity

My friend Jason Womack sent a tweet out that really made me think:

I thought about what that meant, but also was incredibly grateful that he thinks that highly of me and my work. I do think I push on the edge of what productivity means, and I think it’s something that is needed with all of the noise that surrounds the word nowadays. I think it’s important to create more clarity around what productivity can do for you in more ways that seem readily apparent. I, like another friend of mine Todd Henry, strongly believe that effectiveness comes first and efficiency comes next. I also think that the idea of “doing” tasks and work should ultimately lead to you “being” who you want to be. That’s why the new mantra doesn’t bring the word productivity into the equation – at least not directly. Instead, the focus is on the word “be” because that is why we do. I believe we do in order to be. We do right in order to be right. We do better in order to be better.

And we’re going to do better here at Productivityist in order to be a better Productivityist.

The “ist” in Productivityist

Ever since I coined the term Productivityist a couple of years ago, people have wondered what the term meant. Initially it was designed as a portmanteau (a combination of two words) of “productivity” and “enthusiast” because I was a student of productivity. I was exploring but hadn’t traveled down the path very far and was discovering a ton of new territory along the way. Then the word evolved into a portmanteau of “productivity” and “specialist” because I’d become more proficient and was specializing in the productivity realm. I’d not only explored, I’d kept tabs on where I’d been and retraced my steps from time to time to see what I missed so I could offer even better insights to those who were open to receiving them.

Now the word has evolved yet again.

I believe that the word still describes both of the above, but it also acts as a portmanteau of “productivity” and “strategist” because that is what I’ve become. I’m now at the point where I’m suggesting tactics and strategies based on my experience in the productivity space. I’ve created a calendar based on one such strategic approach. I am more of a strategist now than ever before, and those who are working with me here at Productivityist are combinations of all three meanings of the term “productivityist” at this juncture. That’s why they’re part of this venture – and why we’re all excited about where Productivityist is headed.

Expect to see more posts here from the new members of the team. Expect to see posts that have depth and scope, things that I’m instilling as critical to our work here at Productivityist. Expect more from this site – insights and offerings that go beyond time management and add more meaning to the conventional idea of what productivity is. Expect more strategies, more resources, more quality products.

Expect a better Productivityist going forward.

I’m excited about this new evolution of Productivityist. I hope you’ll join not just me – but all of those who are now part of the Productivityist team for the ride.