Sunday Quickie: For Those Who Yearn to Learn

It’s been a crazy weekend here for me…WordCamp Victoria was fantastic and some of the talent I saw tonight at The Showdown was off the charts. But more on these events in posts to come…
One of the things I always find is that these “camp-style” gatherings are attended by those with a thirst for knowledge. It’s truly amazing to see. And while these events are a great place to (frankly) learn new stuff, there are some people that offer training that lasts more than a day.

One of these people is Lorraine Murphy.

Lorraine is likely better known by her Twitter handle (and business monicker of sorts), @raincoaster. She runs Raincoaster Media…and she really knows her stuff. She’s been doing this for a long time and has the right mix of credentials and knowledge to offer what a lot of those doing the same kind of thing can’t: nuanced comprehension.

For example, social media is the “hot sale” right now for wannabe gurus out there. The old saying that “ignorance is bliss” applies wholeheartedly to social media in that many companies have no idea how to do it — but know that they have to do it. This is when the snake oil salespeople come in.

Lorraine isn’t one of those people. She’s got it down.

So – and I rarely write about this sort of thing – I’d highly suggest you take advantage of her upcoming workshops. Some are held in Vancouver, some online — either way, you will get better at whatever is Lorraine is teaching you.

Genuinely better — with longevity attached.