A Brief Review: My 11-inch MacBook Air

I’ve had my MacBook Air for several months now – and while others have had their hands at offering a review, I think it’s time that I threw my two cents in.
My 11” MacBook Air  is the best computer I’ve ever owned.

And here’s why…

The Great

This machine is the ultimate portable powerhouse. It delivers power in the most compact of forms, allowing me to write and podcast with ease. I’ve never had an SSD in a computer until this point, and I am amazed at the speed at which it operates. I’ve never had a more responsive computer to work with, and the form factor allows me to have everything I could possibly need at my disposal wherever I am.

The backlit keys are a welcome addition to this iteration of the Air, so I’m glad I waited until they arrived on the device.

The Okay

The display doesn’t give off as much glare as I thought it would, but I still like the matte display from my old MacBook Pro. That said, the colours burst off the screen and the brightness helps offset the smaller screen size I’ve chosen. I do hook up the Air to a 20” display when I’m not mobile, so that helps my eyes during long stretches of use.1

The trackpad sometimes doesn’t recognize a left click, thinking I’m too close to center. That may be user error, so I’ll let that go. But the sharp edges on the thin edges of the Air while typing do irritate my wrists after prolonged use. Again, not a problem when I use the larger display as I have a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse that I use, but more problematic when I use the Air on its own. Is this the price one pays for the slimness factor? Likely. But I’m not fond of having calluses on my wrists, so it’s not one of the selling points of the machine in my mind.

The Verdict

Even with those minor flaws, this is without a doubt the best computer I’ve had the pleasure of calling my own. And that’s the thing: The 11” MacBook Air feels like it was designed just for me.

Perhaps that’s why people who own Apple products often are said to “love” their devices – they seem as if they were built with that person in mind.

Indeed, I do love my 11” MacBook Air. It is as powerful and as portable as I want and need it to be, and is the best productivity tool that I have.

Except for me, that is.

1 Until I get my Thunderbolt Display….

Photo credit: Marc Flores (CC BY 2.0)