I wish I was going to South by Southwest this year.1
It just wasn’t in the cards. Too many other travel plans cropped up that either appealed more (at the time) or I’d had prior experience with and felt the need to go again. I can only afford so much time away — both in terms of dollars and sense.

So, where am I going so far this year?

  • Mexico: Hitting the warm beaches for a family vacation. We did Florida last year for our first family vacation (minus my seven-month old son…unless you count him as an incidental vacationer), so my little girl got to experience the wonders of Disney. Why’d we travel to the East Coast instead of just hitting Anaheim? Family was already there in the form of my mother. So, we managed to visit family and have a vacation at the same time. A real time-saver.
  • Portland: The World Domination Summit awaits in early June. Now I’ve just got to “travel hack”2 my way there to truly get with the spirit of the event.
  • Lake Arrowhead: A return to MaxFunCon, the weekend after my WDS experience. It was either this or SXSW, and I chose the former because I met some really great people there…most of whom seem to be returning also. It’s a pretty stellar time. All I’m waiting for now is to see what workshops are on tap for 2011.
  • Ottawa: Podcasters Across Borders is my next stop in June. I’ll be joined (hopefully) by all three of my Dyscultured mates as we plan to present our first ever podcast recording with all of us in the same room.3 The word “epic” comes to mind.

There are other destinations I have in mind for the second half of 2011, but they are very much up in the air right now. As for Austin, I’m locking it in for 2012. In fact, I’m using my trusty new Uniball Kuru Toga pencil to put it in my planner.4

1 That’s not say if someone didn’t pay for me to go that I wouldn’t. ‘Cause I would. I have a ton of reasons why I’d go if that were the case. One of them is that Andrew Currie’s going. Colour me jealous. (Update: I AM going to Northern Voice, however.)
2 What’s travel hacking? Well…
3 Perhaps even our producer, Ryan Wiseman, will join us at PAB.
4 Thanks to Patrick Rhone for the pencil recommendation. Love it. Oh, and why only locking SXSW in pencil? You know, just to be safe.