Why Journaling Is A Simple Way To Boost Personal Productivity
Ready to watch your productivity reach a new level? The simple act of journaling can boost your confidence, give you momentum and even help you become more self-aware.
Ready to watch your productivity reach a new level? The simple act of journaling can boost your confidence, give you momentum and even help you become more self-aware.
At the end of each calendar year, I like to look back and see where I’ve been and what I’ve done. Thankfully, this is a really easy thing to do because I journal every day.
I journal every single day. Why? There are many reasons, and no matter who you are they can make a big difference in your work and – more importantly – your life.
I’ve always journaled in some form or another. I did it to either chronicle my day, get thoughts out of my head that needed to be captured elsewhere (but not publicly), or — more recently — to leave something behind for my children to read after I’m gone. I’ve generally journaled at night, prior to
This is the first entry in my personal journal. Seriously. Even though I’ve posted it here as well, it’s going to be part of my journal that I will be keeping during the course of the year. Possibly longer. One of the things I believe is that January is not the best time to take
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