
Book Review: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

  Of all the books I’ve read this year to date, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life by Scott Adams has been the most surprising. Adams writes about productivity tips, failing, trying, and failing again (as well as professional and personal struggles). Simply put, […]

Book Review: What The Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast

I recently finished a second reading/listening of Laura Vanderkam’s What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast. I had listened to this audiobook once before and chose it again because it’s a short selection of advice and suggestions for not only a better morning, but a better anything. Mornings at our house have gotten to

Review: The Productivity Blueprint

If you’ve been looking for a program that will not only elevate your productivity now but for years to come, then you’re going to want to give The Productivity Blueprint some serious consideration. Developed by Asian Efficiency, the team that brought you OmniFocus Premium Posts, The Productivity Blueprint delivers the goods on several fronts. They

A Look at the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy GEAR

I’ve spent more time using Google products over the past few weeks, although not as much as I’d like in order to give a comprehensive review. One such product was the Android OS, primarily used on a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 that was provided to me as a review unit by one of Canada’s major

Review: Everything I Know by Paul Jarvis

I definitely read a lot of non-fiction books, and when Paul Jarvis told me he was going to be releasing his new book soon I knew I had to pick it up. With a title like Everything I Know, I had no doubt it would be a worthwhile read. And I was right. Everything I Know

Review: The ioSafe N2

Note: ioSafe provided me this unit for review, which included two hard drives. My Drobo is on its last legs. I loved it, but it’s become frustrating to use (it’s a first-generation model, so it’s not exactly its fault). So I needed to look into a new storage solution that would sport some (or all)

Review: Velodyne vQuiet Noise-Cancelling Headphones

I haven’t had a decent pair of over-ear headphones in a long time, and as a podcaster I really need one. The earbuds I’ve been using (the RHA) are great for a lot of things, but there’s nothing like having some more isolation when editing Mikes on Mics in a very busy household (or taking

Review: RHA MA450i Headphones

I’m spending more and more time with headphones in my ears these days, whether it’s because I’m editing Mikes on Mics (or the members-only Mike Techniques podcast) or because I’m spending time outdoors getting my run on. A good set of headphones can actually really help your productivity – especially if you like to listen

The Macworld Reviewables

After spending some time this week going through all of the items I brought back from Macworld, I’ve started to put together some thoughts on them. Over the next two weeks I’ll be writing reviews for many of the gadgets, books, and apps that I received during that time. Here are just some of the