Taking Time

After speaking gigs and travel, I need to take some time to reconnect with the family and household. I spend time with my kids and take part in some much-delayed household improvement tasks. During that time, I also give myself the time — and permission — to breathe. I catch up on some reading and often do very little writing.

That idea – to do very little writing – is contrarian to much of the advice you’ll find online about writing.

Yet as with anything else, you need to take the time to recharge. I’ve been blogging for some time, so I make the call to take some time to do that and not write very much. In fact, once you’ve invested some time in your writing (having blog posts scheduled, proactively written newsletters, etc.) you can – and should – do the same.

It’s important to get your alignment checked every once in a while. The longer between those alignments the more time is needed to complete them. If you don’t take the time to get you alignment checked, then you make it that much more difficult to stay on track.

You are as good as all of the work you put out there on the web and by taking the time to recharge your batteries you’ll give yourself the best chance to do just that.