Talking Points: WordCamp Victoria 2012

As some of you may be aware, I’m giving a keynote talk on Saturday at this year’s WordCamp Victoria. It’s not going to be about productivity or the like (Rebecca Bolwitt has that covered; totally stoked to see her speak again), but on the benefits of WordPress as a whole for online writers of all genres, niches and what-not.
I have called it WordPressive: WordPress Delivers the Goods. In short: It’s a pretty broad address.

But I figured that as a keynote, I needed to cover more than just what’s usually in my wheelhouse and hold an audience that may not actually want to dive too deeply into the realm of personal productivity and task management (gasp!). That’s why this talk has been one of the toughest I’ve had to assemble.

To that end, I’m so glad that I did assemble it, because it gave me the opportunity to really examine the platform I use for the majority of my online work.

During the keynote, I’ll be covering the main reasons why I use WordPress as my weblogging platform, why so many of the sites I’ve worked for have (all of them, in fact, have) and why you should be using it too. Some of the reasons are the simplicity, the built-in community, the versatility and the often overlooked ownership factor. In the 50-odd minute presentation, I’ll offer enough information to point you towards WordPress…but also help you get in the right mindset for what the rest of the day has to offer. There are going to be a ton of great sessions throughout the day, so be ready to have your brain filled up with a ton of WordPress goodness.

Now I won’t give away the whole gist of what I’m actually going to say during the talk here – the talk will be available online shortly after the keynote is delivered so if you can’t make it, you’ll have a chance to – but I have this quote I’ve come up with that I just can’t keep to myself anymore. I’m going to leave it with you to ponder…but I will say that it’s the ultimate reason why I prefer WordPress over all other platforms. (And yes, it is tied somewhat to productivity. Go figure.)

”Familiarity breeds content.”

If you’re in Victoria and you want to level up your website, weblog or simply get acquainted with WordPress, I’ll see you on Saturday. Tickets are going fast — and they are a steal at $23.95 for all of the knowledge and skills you’ll gain. It truly is a great investment of your time  — and that’s coming from someone who knows a little bit about the importance of getting a good return on where you spend it.

Photo credit: G. Letham (CC BY-NC 2.0)