On Being Television Impaired

I used to watch a lot of television in my younger days. Hours of time gazing at the glowing screen wasn’t something that was out of the question.
My habits have changed in recent years — including my television viewing habits. I don’t watch much television these days, but I do have some “can’t miss” shows that my TiVo grabs for me regularly. Sure, it also grabs me stuff hosted by Mike Holmes and sometimes forgets that I don’t get certain channels (yet records shows on them anyway), but it’s great for my “season passes” that I subscribe to.

The following are staples on my list of shows that I either like to watch or like to have available to watch from time to time:

  • The Colbert Report: A staple in my household since it debuted. This show, coupled with my “productivity porn” problem, was on when I had the epiphany that resulted in Eventualism. Some people hate that he plays a character and delivers the news as such (such as it is) while others admire how he walks along the satirical tightrope he has created. There’s few people in the world that I’d go to great ends to meet, and Stephen Colbert is one of them.
  • The Daily Show: Another great show, but falls below Colbert in my rankings.1 Jon Stewart doesn’t have a character to fall back on when the material that the world provides the show isn’t all that funny, whereas Colbert does. I think that’s the difference-maker.2
  • V: Loved the old version as a kid, love the new version now. Sure, it may not be the best show out there, but the fact it has a nostalgic feel going for it makes it appealing to me. I hope to see it last until next year, but I’m not holding my breath.
  • Glee: Yeah, I’m a “gleek”. What’s it to you? I was involved in choir and musical theatre in school, so this one’s a natural for me. And Jane Lynch has the Midas Touch when it comes to comedy.
  • Pro wrestling: A guilty pleasure. It’s more background noise than anything else for me, but let me tell you that  I have an unbelievable amount of respect for those who’ve paved the way in the industry. Sadly, today’s wrestling is a shadow of its former self at best. Still, I’m into it.
  • NFL: My Sundays are devoted to family and football. If only my team was as devoted to the latter as well.3

All in all, this means not nearly as much television as I used to watch in my youth. Is that because there’s nothing worth watching now or that I’m worth more than just watching television?

I’d say a little from Column A and a little from Column B.

1 Incidentally, these programs are not listed in any particular order…although Colbert always comes first.
2 Coincidentally, “Difference-Makers” is the title of a segment on The Colbert Report. I’ll also add that Colbert has said that he has no idea what the word “coincidence” means.
3 I’m talking to you, Bengals…