Even though I’ve been keeping myself busy with work, that doesn’t mean I haven’t had time to read. Here are some of the books that caught my attenttion over the last month as I read them.
The Suitcase Entrepreneur
I’ve had the opportunity to chat with Natalie online before and was really looking forward to receiving this book in its “author’s cut” format. (Full disclosure: I backed the book on her Kickstarter campaign). And it didn’t disappoint. The book hits the virtual shelves today and I give it a thumbs up — especially if you’ve been looking to take your business to the next level and don’t think you have the resources to pull it off. Natalie’s words have a definite “drive” to them and they will inspire you to the point of action. And that’s not just a great starting point…it’s also kind of a big deal.
iPad Only
Augusto Pinaud and Michael Sliwinski have put together a book that further illustrates how far the iPad has come in its short existence. As someone who has tried — and largely succeeded — in using their iPad as a primary device, I went into reading this book in full agreement that you can truly go “iPad only” if you want. Whether you feel the same way or are curious if you can make the iPad go as deep for you as it can for so many of us, this book is worth picking up. You can get it from Amazon here.
Caesura Letters
James Shelley is an excellent writer and he has crafted together some stellar posts over at his Caesura Letters site. It’s so good and his words there are so worth reading. Check it out for yourself here — you won’t be disappointed.
I’ve been down part of the road Jon Acuff mentions in this book, but the message is still important for a lot of others out there. Jon is a gifted writer and speaker and Start is one of those books that feel as if you’re having a conversation with the author — a story is being told. The style reminds me a lot of C.C. Chapman’s Amazing Things Will Happen, and this book delivers the goods as well. You can get it here.
As for what else is on my “reading radar”, I can’t wait to check out Todd Henry’s new book Die Empty, scheduled to hit the shelves in late September (but you can pre=order it here on Amazon now — and from what I’ve read so far, you should). Jeff Goins latest work The In-Between is in the mix as well, and I know Srinivas Rao is working on something as well that I can’t wait to get my eyes on.
I pledged to read more in 2013 and I’m on track to match 2012 right now. A few more books under my belt and I’ll beat last years’ record — and set up a lofty goal for 2014 in the process.