The NOW Year and The New Year

Thanks again to all those who have already ordered The NOW Year. This week marks the release of The NOW Year: Version 1.1 – just in time for the holiday break.

There are some design elements for the PDF version (including some much needed edits) and the new release also includes an EPUB version — great for e-readers and iBooks — and the Amazon Kindle version. (Note: You can get the Amazon version on its own for just $2.99 through Amazon, but you won’t get the EPUB and PDF versions through that purchasing method.)

If you’ve already bought and read *The NOW Year (or any of my books), I’d love it if you could offer up a review either at Amazon or Goodreads. It helps people find my work beyond the walls of this website (and everywhere else I contribute) and also helps me simply get better at my writing by reading them.*

Before I wrap things up here and enjoy the holiday break, I wanted to touch on the ending of yet another calendar year. Now as much as I don’t make new year’s resolutions, I do recognize the significance of January 1st (after all, I just penned a book on calendar management). If you are intent on making a new year’s resolution this year, might I suggest that you make that one as simple — and yet as scalable — as possible. Something like committing to the habit of capturing things as they come to you or checking email “second thing” in the day. Small things like that add up and can really help you tackle the bigger the things a whole lot better. Simplicity is subjective, of course, so those two examples may not be so simple in your world. But find things that are and commit to those — even if it’s just one of those — and you’ll have a better shot at sticking to them and crafting the year you really want to have.

Photo credit: ilco via SXC.HU