The Power of Intention is Fleeting

The power of intention is a misnomer — and it’s fleeting unless you have more than just intent to do something.
Intending to do something is a great notion, but it’s just that: a notion. Until you actually do the “something”, it’s nothing more. You can’t use the notion that you intend to do something as a replacement for actually doing it, and a lot of people do that.

In order for intention to have any sort of power, it has to be married to attention. Without giving your intention the proper attention it needs to become more than just a notion, it remains just that — or goes away altogether.

Oh, and if you intend to do a lot of things, good luck with giving any of them the right attention.

In essence, intent is a synonym for the word “dream” for many. You may have the purest of intentions to do something, but if you give it the impurest of attention then it won’t be nearly what you intended it to be…if anything at all.

But there’s hope for the power of intention. Its power doesn’t have to be fleeting. You can reclaim its power with one simple word.


Saying that word (in whatever tone you choose) is tricky, especially since it requires intention and attention to already have a working relationship for it to be said with any sort of reason to be said. You need to pay attention to what it is you’re saying “no” and why you’re saying “no” to it, which strengthens the intention behind the word. But saying it more often will create a pattern that will enhance your ability to say the word with far more resolve…and it’s a pattern that will pair up intention and attention sa a result. Saying “no” more often and the partnership between intention and attention is easier to maintain…and to nurture.

There’s a reason that “no” such a powerful word — it actually has the ability to endow its power to anything behind why it is being said.

And intention can use a little extra power these days.