The Value of Imperfect Focus

When you’re on the ball and the path is clear as to what you’re doing and why, you are said to be in a state of focus.

When you’re dropping the ball and the path is littered with stuff you end up doing, you are said to be in a state of non-focus.

When you have a bunch of balls and there is no obvious path because you can see everything you want to do and why you want to do it, you’re in a state of imperfect focus.

The thing is, there’s no such thing as perfect focus. That’s because there’s no such thing as the perfect thing for you to do, the perfect way for you to do it, and the perfect time for you to do it at.

(Additionally, imperfect focus allows you to let go. Focus does not.)

Embrace imperfect focus. It can be a huge ally. Once you have, you’ll actually be able to figure what you want and don’t want a lot easier because you know that the choices you make will never be perfect.