The One Thing I Started Scheduling On My Calendar

The One Thing

I’m not a big believer in scheduling tasks on your calendar. Instead, I strongly believe the task app you’re using is the best place for that.


Because if you fill your calendar up with all of the things that you need and want to do, it can fill up your schedule and then overwhelm you. This will then have a negative impact on how you complete those tasks.

So while I don’t advocate scheduling everything on your calendar, I have started to schedule ONE Thing on my calendar on a regular basis.

I’ve started to schedule the ONE Thing on my calendar.

This is the ONE Thing I want to work on consistently so that it can be done well and not rushed. The ONE Thing that has a high value and will move me forward in the most desirable fashion possible – effectively and efficiently. The ONE Thing that will make the biggest difference in my work and, ultimately, my life.

If you’d like to find out more about the ONE Thing I’m working on – and get a behind-the-scenes look at it while I’m working on building it, then click here and sign up for updates.

Now the ONE Thing can change over time. It won’t always be the same ONE Thing. And the ONE Thing overrides my monthly theme because it is actually scheduled in my calendar. Outside of that scheduled time chunk, I’ll still focus on my monthly theme for that month. And the daily theme still plays a role when I’m working on the ONE Thing because there are often elements of my daily theme that needs to be covered in the ONE Thing I’m working on (writing, learning, admin work, etc.).

But the ONE Thing trumps My 3 Absolutes. It trumps The Monthly Theme. It trumps everything else. Because when the ONE Thing wins, I win.

I strongly encourage you to decide on the ONE Thing you need and want to work on consistently and block out time to make it happen. It’ll stand out on your schedule (especially if you don’t hyper-schedule yourself – I recommend you use a separate colour to showcase it) and you’ll feel drawn to it because you’ve placed it as the priority above all other tasks on your to do list.

There’s a reason that it’s called the ONE Thing. So give it the attention it deserves and you’ll do better (and feel better about your schedule) time and time again.

Gary Keller has written an excellent book about this, and you can order it here. And if you want to learn more about my one thing, then click here and you’ll be able to keep up with me as I bring it to life.