The Rushing Feeling: How to Hush it

The Rushing Feeling. Photo by Fabrizio Verrecchia on Unsplash.

I’ve been feeling rushed lately. Not overwhelmed (yet), just rushed. It’s an uncomfortable “rushing” feeling.

This feeling isn’t new to me; I’ve felt rushed before. I’ve felt overwhelmed before — I know this because that’s the reason that I developed TimeCrafting in the first place.

I know exactly what to do when this rushing feeling comes upon me.

I need to pay attention to fewer things, but I can only do that when I eliminate things from my schedule. I must listen to my own words:

Eliminate the expendable so that you can illuminate the important.

Right now I’m in the midst of eliminating the expendable. If I don’t, then I know that my “rushed” feeling will turn into overwhelm. There have been some hard choices to make, but I’ve made them knowing that it’s for the best.

It’s very easy to get caught up in your feelings, but there are times when those feelings don’t serve you as well as slowing down and looking at things more objectively. It’s better to tackle “one bleeder at a time,” so to speak.

I’m not saying that all emotion should be removed from the equation, but it helps to have harmony between logic and emotion. It helps to have reason in mind when you’re making decisions, especially when you’re considering eliminating things from your plate.