Thursday Triage

I rarely try to encompass a whole bunch of goings-on in one post, but a lot happened during my travels so I’m going to make this post an exception to the rule.

Sketchnote Typeface

I’ve talked about my love and appreciation for “sketchnotes” before, and last week Mike Rohde (author of The Sketchnote Handbook) released The Sketchnote Typeface. It’s pretty awesome in that it is both playful and functional — something I look for in choosing my fonts. Mike’s written up how he and Delve Withrington of Delve Fonts made this font happen.

App Camp for Girls

Jean MacDonald told me about this initiative of hers at last year’s World Domination Summit, and as the father of a tech-savvy 8-year old, I love the idea. There’s an Indiegogo campaign going that will help fund App Camp for Girls, and you can give to that campaign by going here. so go and do that, okay?

Evernote Every Day

There’s a lot of Evernote books out there, and I’ve read my fair share of them. Jeremy Roberts has added another one to the mix, and it’s a great read (especially for those who are looking for a simple way to get started). You can grab it here.

Dispatch: My New iOS Email Client

Much like there are tons of books on Evernote, there are lots of apps that are trying to reinvent the email management experience. Mailbox is the most popular of these apps (and I wrote a bit about the evolution of email over at Workflowing), but there’s a new kid on the block and it is the iOS email app that is now in my dock. It’s called Dispatch — and it allows you to actually deliver your email messages to a place where they can become actions (OmniFocus, Things, Evernote, Asana, Drafts, etc.) rather than simply “snooze” them. Sure, you can forward emails to the addresses provided by some of these apps, but Dispatch makes it a more frictionless process. Grab it here — I think it’s the best $2.99 you can spend on an iPhone app.

(Federico Viticci over at MacStories has an excellent write-up on Dispatch here.)

The Productive Macs Bundle is Back

Productive Macs is back with another killer bundle — 9 premium productivity applications, available just for $29.99 – at an 88% discount from their original price. Featuring apps like Paperless, Gemini, Crossover, and more, you’ll find a lot of value in this package and it won’t put a huge dent in your wallet. Get it here.

The Productivityist Workbook on

Finally, my eWorkbook has just been released on the platform, which enhances the overall experience of going through it because the platform really makes it more of a how-to guide than ever before. It’s still only $5 and is available on a few marketplaces that use, including an online portal I’ve written for on several occasions, The Next Web. It’s also available as part of a subscription over at Startup Plays.

I’ll be back in a couple of days with my usual writing, but in the meantime go and check out any (or all) of these worthwhile items.

Photo credit: cribbe (CC BY 2.0)