Too Many

Whenever you hear the word “many” on its own, it can be seen as generally positive or negative. Having many options is generally good. Having many chores is generally not (more so if you’re not a fan of chores).

But when you put the word “too” in front of “many”, there’s not nearly the amount of positive things that come to mind. Having too many options often causes too much pause or even indecision. That can lead to another “too many” – as in too many missed opportunities.

The same goes with chores…more so if you’re not a fan of chores.

Why am I thinking about this combination of words today?

Because today I turn another year older, and while I’ve learned far more than 38 lessons in 38 years and gathered up even more memorable moments during the same time, I’ve also had my share of adding “too many” things to my plate rather than just capping it off at “many”.

In the year(s) to come, I’ll work even harder to rid myself of the three letter word’s placement in front of the word “many”. Instead, I’ll work to put it in places that are far more positive.

And I’ll keep it in the forefront of my mind by reminding myself that the difference between “many” and “too many” may only look like a three letter word, but the reality is that the differences are, well…many.

Photo credit: Eric Charlton (CC BY 2.0)