The Voice You Can Trust

The Voice You Can Trust

The voice that you must trust the most is the one that combines the voice from the past and the voice from the present.

The voice from the past is the one that at least gave some thought to some of the intentions that you had. This voice wanted to ensure that you – in the present day – would give these intentions some form of your attention.

Now this doesn’t mean that you necessarily do these things you intended. The point is that your past self made the effort to get ideas or thoughts out of your head and so you could evaluate them better later on. This is the voice from the past that reminds you of what you were thinking before hand.

When you are reflective, you have a better chance of staying on course.

The voice of today can only look at the present moment. It doesn’t have all of the knowledge or wisdom to move forward in the best way possible unless it looks toward the voice from the past. Again, it is that thoughtfulness that will allow you to make better choices on what your past intentions were.

In order to move forward with both intentions and attention existing in harmony, the voice from the past that must have a say.

Think of each of these voices as the vocal components of a song. One is the melody – the part of the song that is easy to recall and sing with little effort if you hear it often enough. The other is the harmony (or one harmony since you can have several harmonies in a song). It’s the aspect of the song that you can only deliver well if you know the melody well enough and have the experience and wisdom to know when it should be heard and when it should stay quiet.

The Voice You Trust

Each of these voices sound fine on their own if you’re a good singer, but they sound much better when they are combined together.

All of the formative aspects of the song come from the melody, which is created first. The harmony can only come into existence after the melody has been sung.

So the next time you have an idea or thought in present day, go ahead and capture it. Later on this thought or idea could prove to be invaluable.  You are doing your future self a disservice when you don’t get thoughts out of your head as soon as possible. It’s like you’re giving your future self a valuable document but some of the notes are blacked out.

And those missing notes can make all the difference in between an average song and an exceptional song that captivates you.