Winding Down the Week

This week has been a full one, which included a ton of writing yesterday. It was also a week full of happenings elsewhere, and I thought I’d shine a bit of a spotlight on them in this post.

The Better Guy Show

Gary Miller of A Better Guy was kind enough to have me on his podcast, and we spent over two and a half hours in conversation as a result. He’s released the discussion in three parts, listed below:

  1. How To Choose Work That Matters
  2. Project Killing | How and Why To Let Go Even When It Hurts
  3. The Business Of Writing and Why Working From Home Isn’t Always Sexy

There’s some stuff in there I haven’t talked about before, including some of my guilty pleasures (one of which I seem to share with the host).

SXSW PanelPicker: Mindful Productivity

I finally pulled the trigger this year and submitted a talk to SXSW. I got together with Craig Jarrow (Time Management Ninja) and Marc and Angel Chernoff (Marc and Angel Hack Life) to create a panel discussion on something we all believe is more important now than ever before: being mindful when it comes to being productive. I’d love your help making it through this aspect of hte selection process, so if you could vote for our panel here, I’d really aprreciate it.

Mikes on Mics

This week’s Mikes on Mics features guest Andy Traub, author of The Early to Rise Experience. We get into the whole early bird/night owl discussion (which is something that is somewhat relevant to an aspect of my manifesto) and we even got into some ideas for authors looking to have an even greater impact on their audience, both in terms of scale and service. Slippers are also mentioned, but you’ll have to listen to the podcast to get the goods on that.


I’ve been using Less Meeting a little bit more over the past couple of weeks (and I’ll share my thoughts on the service in a more comprehensive post soon). Focus@Will is getting almost as much equal playing time as Rdio lately, and my Evernote usage has undergone a bit of a change as well — which was inspired by some of what Brett Kelly has included in his book Evernote Essentials. And my new OS X Mac app of choice, Airmail, made some changes in its beta that weren’t just appealing to me…but the efficiency in which those changes were made was commendable.

I’m also looking forward to givng Haiku Deck a spin soon, not to mention the new weather app from Contrast (formerly known as AppCubby) called Perfect Weather (although I am really digging Mynd Calendar with my daily weather projections and the always handy for longer term forecasts).

And while I’m not diving into Todoist, I’ve read great things about it on the Productivity Community on Google+ and elsewhere.

Next week I’ll share more insights into the assessment I did recently, which included some adjustments in workflow — and purging of some apps as well.