More Things: WordCamp Victoria and TWoD

This week was stellar, and should end on a high note as well. I’m speaking at WordCamp Victoria tomorrow in what promises to be a jam-packed day of information about my favourite blogging platform: WordPress.
My session will revolve around how, through trial and error, I came to achieve modest blogging success. I will be focusing on the “error” part, of course.

There will be some elements offered in my session as well that pertain to blogging/writing productivity, because I gots to talk about whats I know good.

It’s been presented for the past couple of years (I’ve spoken at each) and this year’s edition is completely sold out.1 I’m sure there will be video and slidedecks of some (if not all) of the presentations if you aren’t one of the 150+ that are coming. That said, you can get further details about the entire event at the WordCamp Victoria website.

This Week on Dyscultured…

While Andrew was busy shmoozing with the CEO of Mobilicity, the rest of us talked about the recent goings-on in tech and pop culture. Apple came up, as did the weirdness that is the “new” astrological sign quandary. There was other stuff, too. I could write all about it here, but you’d be better off listening to it instead. It just translates better that way.

1I’m on a panel this year, too. It’s on the agenda, so it must be true!