Knowing When to Write Less and Pay Attention More

I’ve spent the early part of this week writing two posts per day here, and I don’t plan to slow down the pace. But I may cut back on the size of the posts until next week.

Well, it’s not because I’m spending time closing some “open loops” right now — although I do have several that need closing.It’s not because I have nothing to write heavily about, because I do have some meaty ones in the hopper. It’s also not because I’m lazy or low on energy reserves — I’d be not writing at all if that was the case.

No, it’s because I’ll be absorbed by the transmission: GLOBAL SUMMIT until the weekend hits.

So bear with me as I spend the next couple of days getting inspired and all that. Because its bound to happen.

And then you’re bound to find out how my Keyboard Maestro journey is coming along, what other aspects of Google I’ve managed to turf, and what my other “great new thing” is.

For now, any transmission posted here will be short and sweet. For me, transmission: GLOBAL SUMMIT will be just plain sweet.

1Like dealing with these giveaways.