This week on Mikes on Mics, we had C.C. Chapman on the show.
We discussed a whole bunch of stuff because, well…C.C. does a whole bunch of stuff — including authoring books. His latest book, Amazing Things Will Happen, is available now and while I’ve only started to make my way through it, what I’ve read so far has been nothing short of…amazing.
(I’ll have a full review of the book next week…and it’ll be a shade longer than the one I did earlier this week for Tim Ferriss’s latest book The 4-Hour Chef).
This book is a fitting read for me at the end of what has been one of the most amazing months I’ve had — whether online or offline. And after the month I’ve just had — my first since leaving Lifehack — I know that even more amazing things will be happening for me for some time to come. I’ve got some great stuff in store for next week — and that’s just for starters.
Thanks to everyone who has helped make this month simply amazing.
You can listen to the latest episode of Mikes on Mics with C.C. Chapman here.