Mike Vardy

Here Be Podcasts

As I begin my BlogWorld experience shortly after this post goes live, I thought I’d throw in a couple of podcast recommendations for your listening pleasure. (Yes, I’m on both of them…so this is totally a shameless plug.)

The Make Mindset

The following is a guest post by my good friend Michael Schechter of A Better Mess. We also do this podcast together called Mikes on Mics — you really should listen to it. You can follow him on Twitter too…so go do that. When you get home at night, when the family goes to bed

The Priority Puzzle

This week I put my nose to the grindstone to try to get as much done ahead of time as possible so I could spend my time at BlogWorld in New York City actually being at BlogWorld in New York City. In doing so, I managed to get a lot of posts scheduled for both

In Honour of Graduates Everywhere: A Commencement Address by Beethoven (Sort of)

‘Tis the season…for commencement addresses. And after seeing some popping up on the Internet over the past couple of weeks (ones by Neil Gaiman and Aaron Sorkin come to mind immediately), I have been given the opportunity to publish one myself as Robert Greenberg drafted a clever version of what would be Ludwig van Beethoven’s commencement address, given at Salzburg A&M

To Do Apps to Go

As I continue to use Asana on my Macbook Air, it has become more apparent that the lack of a native mobile app is a huge detriment to my productivity. It appears as if Asana isn’t the only one lagging behind in the mobile game, as my Lifehack colleague CM Smith pointed out his woes

An Open Letter to AJ Jacobs

Dear Mr. Jacobs AJ,1 I’ve always been a big reader of non-fiction books. Heck, I talk about productivity to the point where I have dubbed myself (as well as others who do the same) as a “productivityist” and have even gone so far as to have written a manifesto for folks like me. My wife, however, tends

Guest Starring

Over the next two months, I’ll be taking some time to wrap up some projects and hitting events like BlogWorld, Northern Voice and taking a little time off to go Whistler to watch my wife take part in the insanity known as Tough Mudder. But unlike what I’ve done in the past — which is

The Waking Dead: Another Early Riser Update

This isn’t going as well as I’d hoped. In fact, I’ve fallen off the plan from last week. I am — most definitely — struggling with this. I have been getting up at 8 a.m. every day (which is “good enough” while we still have in-home child care), but as of the second week in

How I Work The Plan

I’ve composed plenty of “How I” posts here, but I’ve never really talked about things from an overarching perspective. Yes, I’ve discussed the various ways I have – and do – plan, as well as the ways I don’t plan. But I’ve never really gotten into how I work my plan in terms of my