Mike Vardy

Gap Days

With all of the traveling back and forth lately, I’ve noticed a downturn in my productivity. That’s to be expected, I suppose, but it doesn’t mean I’m happy with it. The most noticeable slide has been with my writing, as I’ve been struggling to come with words as often as usual. Part of that stems […]

How to Decide When to Say No

Do you say “yes” far too often for your own good? Want to know how to decide when to say “no” instead? The next time someone asks you to do something, take a look at your obligations first. Do so in the following order: Calendar Task Manager Why in that order? It’s because the calendar

Choosing What to Chase

In a few hours, Apple’s Tim Cook will hit the stage in San Francisco to deliver this year’s WWDC keynote. I know a slew of people that will be in San Francisco — several of them are past and current colleagues and friends — while this keynote takes place. As I sit here on Sunday

Thursday Triage

I rarely try to encompass a whole bunch of goings-on in one post, but a lot happened during my travels so I’m going to make this post an exception to the rule. Sketchnote Typeface I’ve talked about my love and appreciation for “sketchnotes” before, and last week Mike Rohde (author of The Sketchnote Handbook) released

Take Time to Make Time

A crazy week of travel, meetings, and more travel led me to a quiet start to this week. That’s not to say that I didn’t do much to start off the week (I did), but I did a whole lot of light-lifting and low energy tasks to start the week rather than dive right into

I’ll Never Be Done

As I prepared the last bit of work I needed to do before I head off to New York City for Book Expo America, I peered into my kids’s bedroom to check in on them. I won’t have that opportunity until Sunday now, so I wanted to get that done before I went to bed

Shooting for Productivity

The Mophie Juice Pack is a piece of technology I’ve had my eyes on for a long time. II knew that for a relatively low cost it could keep my iPhone going for a long time. Yet I didn’t pick up the Juice Pack until shortly after trying one out at Social Media Camp (thanks

Killing Ideas

I have a knack of coming up with tons of ideas. I know I’m not alone in this. The great thing when you focus on managing tasks over time is that you can make progress on those tasks with less concern over the time they take. Make no mistake — those who focus on task


First off, I’d like to thank everyone who turned up or messaged me during my book event at Chapters Victoria last week. It was really cool to be in a massive brick and mortar bookstore with several copies of The Front Nine newsletter to sign for those wanting to pick it up. Secondly, thanks to