Mike Vardy


I tried to write something for the blog today. That’s not to say I didn’t work on other things work-related – I did – but I had an idea for a post that would have been tied into what I usually write about here. You know, something about how to be more efficient and effective, […]

The Power of The Impact Equation

Have you ever wondered how much of an impact you’re having on your audience? Are you unsure about what it takes to build an audience and are concerned you’re simply out there making noise…and no one is listening because it is simply just that? Do you have a sense that your ideas are falling on


I’m writing this late in the evening…shortly after I returned home. I spent the later part of tonight with a good friend, listening to a live bluegrass band. I had nachos. I drank some beer – two to be exact. I had a great time. But when I got home, I realized that going out

How a Trip to the Dental Hygienist Changed My Perspective

I’m not a fan of going to the dentist. Whether it be for a cleaning or a checkup, I generally dread when I have to go. I know I’m not alone in this. I also know I’m not alone in that the reason I’m not a fan are all based on my aversion to doing

On Doing What Really Needs Doing

I was reading Craig Jarrow’s post today over at Time Management Ninja and it got me thinking about simplifying systems. I know I need to dive back in and toss aside some tools, clear some of the clutter, and pare things down on the whole. And it’d be really easy to do that instead of bearing down

Why Downtime Leads to More Time

So it’s been over a week since I put anything up here, yet I’ve been putting many things up all over the Internet. That means that while I’ve been away from here, I’ve been present in plenty of other places. Since I laid the groundwork to have things appear elsewhere online over the past week and

There’s Always Time for Giving Thanks

Today I sent an update to those who have subscribed to The Front Nine newsletter containing an excerpt of the book, due to hit the virtual shelves later this Fall. After reading it again this morning, I realized that I sent it out on Thanksgiving (which is being observed here in Canada today) and it

Leaving Lifehack

The title says it all, really. As of the end of this month, I’m no longer going to be the Managing Editor at Lifehack. This wasn’t a decision I came to lightly…by any means. There were a number of factors that led to my decision, but the primary one was that my obligations were getting out


I spend a lot of time trying. Heck, we all do. By spending time trying I discover whether or not I am able to improve on something. Whether that’s a system, an app, or a workflow by using a system or app. Trying as a verb is great. As an adjective? Not so much. The