Mike Vardy

The Evolution of Contexts

My podcasting partner-in-crime Michael Schechter posed this challenge to me on Twitter: That was quite the challenge, but I took it. After that exchange, I saw a flurry of follow-up activity that was great to see. Several people had their own thoughts on what contexts were (and weren’t) and Schechter joined the fray with his […]

How I Use Priority Levels in Todoist

Todoist has been my task manager for some time, and one of the features it offers is the ability to flag tasks as needed. I have avoided using priorities until recently, but I finally figured out how I wanted to use them and have started to add them to my Todoist workflow. One of the

Taking Traveling, Talking, and Trying to the Next Level

This past week – my first small sabbatical – was definitely needed. During the last couple of weeks I’ve taken traveling, talking and trying to a whole new level. The sabbatical was well-timed as I needed a break from all the travel I’d undertaken. The travel was rewarding, make no mistake, but it was taxing.

The Top 3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Task Manager

I’m still traveling, so I’ve commissioned another guest post. The following is a guest post by Bojan Dordevic, who has contributed to the Productivityist blog in the past. Bojan is an Internet marketing professional with a passion for all things productive, and is the co-founder of Alpha Efficiency Magazine. You can invite him for a

The 5 Zeros You Should Achieve Every Day to Give You Peace of Mind

I’m lining up guest posts during my travels over the next two weeks. This post is written by Timo Kiander. Timo is a blogger, author and speaker who helps work-at-home professionals get stuff done fast so that they have time for living. He believes that great results are achieved by overcoming procrastination, improving focus and

Yes Before No

I still have a hard time saying “no” to things. I’m getting better at it all the time, but that doesn’t mean I find it easy. Why? Because I’m naturally a “yes” person – and I’ve gotten used to saying yes over the years. In fact, I’d argue that all of the times I said

How to Tell if You’re Plateauing (and What to Do About It)

The following is a guest post by Kayla Matthews. Kayla is a writer at Writerzone and productivity blogger with a passion for self-improvement and finding happiness. To read more articles by Kayla, you can find her at Productivity Theory, as well as on Google+ and Twitter. I guess we most commonly associate plateauing with age.

A Look at Productivity and Workflow “Versioning”

I’ve found that over the years my workflow and productivity tactics haven’t just evolved. I’d suggest they’ve also gone through a “versioning” of sorts, which is very different than evolution. Let me explain. The word version is derived from the Latin word vertere, which means “to turn.” The word evolve comes from the Latin word

Productivityist Practices: My Three Months with Bulletproof Coffee

Productivityist Practices is a new series where I spend an extended period of time – usually three months – with a particular approach, product, or service. At the end of the trial, I’ll decide whether or not I want to keep it as part of my routine, adjust it so that it might fit better