Free Failing

“I have this image of a whole wave of stories getting posted about fear and failure that are full of humility and the messiness of real life. ” – Yuvi Zalkow My friend Yuvi Zalkow has a book out – released today – entitled A Brilliant Novel in the Works. To celebrate the launch, he […]

The Search for My New Email App of Choice: Notify

Before we get into this series, I want to reiterate that this is a search for my new email app of choice. The idea behind this exploration is so you can get a sense of not just what will work best for me, but what will work best for you. There have already been a

The Search for My New Email App of Choice

Ever since the news broke that Sparrow was no longer going to be developed, I began a search for my new mail application of choice in earnest. It pained me to leave Sparrow behind because I really enjoyed its minimal approach to email, so the new app of choice will have some big shoes to

Hypocritically Speaking

This week on Mikes on Mics, Schechter and I talk about my posts here regarding a move back to Gmail (here) and OmniFocus (here), other tools I’ve added to my workflow, and we even touch on why we make the choices we make when it comes to the tools we use. (And Schechter enjoyed naming

The Gradual Death of Eventualism

The very thing that brought me to where I’m at today is dead. Not so much because I’m killing it (which I’d discussed possibly doing in a previous post), but because it has died of what would amount to “natural causes”. Today marks the end of my first ever entry into the productivity realm, the

Fueling the Tank: A Workflow That Boosts Creativity and Productivity

I didn’t write much Tuesday. Or Wednesday. In fact, all I’ve penned over that time span was this post you’re about to read and the one I wrote about 30/30. That’s it.1 And I feel as if my writing of those pieces – and what I’ve got ready to go on Thursday – was all

How 30/30 Fits Into My Productivity Workflow

Lately I’ve been using the iOS app 30/30 by Binary Hammer a lot more. I like the ability it gives me to quickly move aroudn the tasks I’ve set out for the day and how it gives me a means of setting time alottments up for said tasks. Before I get into how I use

How to Stop Time

One of the biggest barriers when it comes to productivity is the notion that we simply “don’t have enough time”. With all of the responsibilities and flow of communication and information coming our way, there’s good reason that this notion exists – and his held by many. But there’s a way to escape that notion.

Dead While Alive

“Now it’s over, I’m dead, and I haven’t done anything that I want. Or, I’m still alive and there’s nothing I want to do.” – They Might Be Giants, “Dead” (from the album “Flood”) I had a conversation with someone at a campfire this weekend and the idea that despite some people make a great