Review: Maruman Mnemosyne Special Memo Notepad

After proudly displaying my setup a while back, I wound up striking up an online conversation with Brad over at JetPens. Seeing that I’m a bit of a pen/pencil/paper junkie, he sent me some stuff to play with — and play with them I did.1 The first item I’m going to offer up for review is […]

Dyscultured 160: My Spectrum is THIS Big!!!

I made my return to Dyscultured this week. And I’m glad I’m back with the gang. Below is a sample of the words that came out of our mouths during the episode: “How did you guys get hired? Whose *EXPLETIVE REDACTED* cousin are you?” – Shane on RIM’s 2012 BlackBerry smartphones. “They’ve tried to make

How I Use Google+

So I’m facing my fear. I’m getting into Google +. Yep, I’m diving into the water. But let me be clear: I’m diving in after surveying the water first. Now that I know what I plan on doing in the water, I’m ready to jump in and see where it will take me. As part

The Journey to Markdown: On the Integration

So it has been almost two months since I last wrote about my adventures in Markdown, and even that article was brief as I discovered that I wasn’t a fan of using my iPhone for writing – Markdown or otherwise. The journey contiues today with how I’ve integrated the use of Markdown into my online

How I’m Going to Write

I’ve been paying particular attention to Todd Henry lately. Not only because of the fact we both are enduring Cincinnati Bengals fans, but because he’s the man behind Accidental Creative — and a book based on his work there, The Accidental Creative. I’m glad I’ve been reading up on his work because while I know

Talking is Dead 31: It’s All About The Spigots

A quote taken from this week’s Talking is Dead podcast: …I go to drink the coffee and it’s just past that point of where it’s no longer warm, and I have to decide whether I’m going to heat it up again…so, nuke it — which is an amazing taste additive for coffee — or if

Remembering: The Least We Can Do

I have always observed this day, but this year I had an experience while travelling that brought more to this day than I’d ever thought about before. I was in LAX waiting for my flight home and decided to go to McDonald’s to grab a meal while I waited. I stood inline behind a tall

Nice Emails

I was having a discussion with my friend Dave Morris tonight about comments that you receive on your website. Some of the comments we get don’t add much to the conversation, but most add a whole lot. I really appreciate the comments left here — and on articles I have written (and will write) elsewhere.