A Place of My Own: The Valden Project

I’d like my own personal house for writing. A place of my own. So My friends and I are going to build one. After putting it out to the Twitter as to whether or not going with an in-house office or one outside the walls of our house, the consensus was the latter. I’d already […]

Over Doing It All vs.. Doing It All Over

The fight between these two things starts internally. Do too much and you’ll not give proper attention to anything. So, you’ll be doing it all over. Mind you, the “all” will get less and less over time because you’re bound to not have as many people trusting that you can get the work done well.

Enter Instapaper 4.0

The latest version of Instapaper, released today, is a “big update” that makes reading later even more appealing. I’m not the only one gushing about it, either. So if you’re not going to take my word for it alone, here’s what others have had to say about Marco Arment’s awesome app: “I can say that

My Life. Hacked.

The past 8 weeks have been…interesting. Good interesting. Busy interesting. All kinds of interesting. In bullets, I’ve: Left one site and joined another. Not been nearly as prolific here…or elsewhere. Said goodbye to my cat of 17 years. This week is busy as well. I’m giving a productivity workshop on Thursday, seeing some friends off

The Richard

Today marks the birthday of a guy I’ve known for over 30 years. And considering my age, that’s pretty much most of my life. I call him “The Richard” in the title here only because whenever I hear the name, he’s the only person that comes to mind. While he’s lived far away from where

The Writer’s OS

On Enough this week, Patrick Rhone said this about Scrivener: “This is an operating system for writers.” Now I know that’s why I use it. So insightful, that Mr. Rhone.

On Satire

In order for me to get closer to being like Swift, I need to get further away from being, like, swift.

A Spot on My Bookshelf

Not surprisingly, the Steve Jobs biography is shipping earlier now. While I imagine that the amount of digital copies purchased will be incredible, I’ll be getting an old-fashioned version. Why? Because I want to see it every day, even if I don’t read it every day.

Pecha Kucha and Me

Tonight I was scheduled to give a talk at Pecha Kucha Victoria. But, alas, I will not be there. Instead, I’ve asked Mike Vardy from Eventualism to fill in. I’ve got some stuff that needs doing sooner rather than later (or “eventualler”, as he’d put it), so he has graciously offered to step in and