Not a Stunt

The web is a stunty place. Really stunty. Heck, by using a word like “stunty” that doesn’t even exist, I’m doing a little bit of stunty right here and now. Folks trying to grab your attention with stunts that grab you so that you stick around for the rest of the show — their show […]

On Sagas and Legacies

A saga is defined as “a long, detailed account” by Merriam-Webster. I’d describe the drama at TechCrunch over the past few weeks as a saga. The Star Wars saga is an example of a saga that I enjoyed, until its legacy was tarnished by: Going to the well too many times; Making changes that diluted

The Art of Selecting

“One option is no option. Two options is a dilemma. Three options is a choice” ~ Anthony Robbins I’ve paid particular attention to this quote over the past few weeks, as I make my way into a working life that involves more of a choice and less of a dilemma. Becoming more thoughtful about what


On the 68th episode of Enough that discussed Twitter apps, Myke asked Patrick whether or not he used any sort of “push” notification service. Myke did say he that he knew better than to ask, because the answer was “no”. I’ve used push notifications on my iPhone and iPad ever since I unboxed them. At

Talking is Dead: Things Can Only Get Better

While I may be taking a break from Dyscultured, the other podcast I work on with Anthony Marco — known as Talking is Dead — is still very much a part of my week. This episode was a bit more personal than most, discussing my recent shift in working arrangements, Anth’s thoughts on his own

Helvetindex Cards

I like my paper products. I have a stack of blank index cards that I use for humourous stuff I may want to use in some of my “to-dos” — and to have at the ready for other occasions where thoughts must be captured. Helvetindex Cards look as if they make doing that all the

Impressions: Freelance Camp Vancouver

I took the weekend to reflect on a number of things, one of which was Saturday’s Freelance Camp Vancouver. Held at The Network Hub’s newly-minted office in New Westminster’s River Market, the event saw 200 freelancers from the Lower Mainland (and beyond) gather to share ideas, connect with each other and be inspired by the

The Journey to Markdown: On the iPad

I’m nearing the halfway mark on my Markdown journey and today I’m exploring the versatility of my devices and whether or not Markdown can be accessible via my iPad. I’m writing this post using Writing Kit, and after playing with Byword on the Mac this app has a very different feel…yet can handle Markdown really