An Art of the Cocktail Appetizer

While I’ll be indulging my inner beer connoisseur on Friday at the Great Canadian Beer Festival, I’m not immune to the allure of a good cocktail. But it wasn’t always that way. Back when I was working at the Victoria Film Festival the idea came about from its visionary Festival Director, Kathy Kay, to bring […]

The Journey to Markdown: On Day One

“Well, this is going to be interesting.” – Yours truly on learning Markdown The first thoughts I had when I took on this challenge was whether or not I’d be able to find the time to do it…even though I’ve been told it wouldn’t take up all that much time to begin with. I’m working

Fault Lines: A Summary of Screwing Up

The past couple of months haven’t been my best. I didn’t live up to my obligations, and rather than face them head on I panicked and ran away from them. It happens to the best of us, I suppose…but it doesn’t mean it’s okay. I could say that it’s because I took on more than

Review: Labour Day

Not only did I not post here yesterday — but I didn’t perform labour of any kind, either. So, what did I do? I read this. And this. And this. I took my kids to this. I started to work on this. I watched a bunch of this. I outlined some stuff for this. I

Sunday Song: Alone Again

I heard this while watching Megamind with my daughter yesterday in the early morning hours. Ironic choice of tune based on what was going on in our house…but not so much based on what was going on in the movie. You know, I always thought it was someone else that sung this. Like a Bee

Evernote Essentials 2.0

A lot went into the initial edition of Evernote Essentials, and Brett Kelly has upped the content with Evernote Essentials 2.0. I have the first version of the book, and it has been a valuable resource in my quest to wrap my head around all that Evernote has to offer. This book has been a

Trailer for the Scariest Movie Ever

I’m not a fan of scary movies, but this one is different. Watching it is like looking into a messed-up crystal ball. The storyteller is a genius…let’s just hope he isn’t anything like Nostradamus. You’ve gotta see it. It is the scariest movie ever in my books, it’s right up there amongst the funniest and

The Journey to Markdown

I tweeted a month ago that I was going to take the leap and try my hand at Markdown, considering that I’ve heard nothing but praise for the language from the likes of: Merlin Mann David Sparks … and its co-creator, John Gruber Some of you know what Markdown is, some don’t. Here’s the Coles

Everything Must Go…Almost

And I thought that my whittling down of apps was pretty drastic. Chris Smith over at Stepcase Lifehack went full declutter on his apps — basically an “app diet” of sorts. Why’d he do it? How’d he do it? It’s all there — along with a bit of a “throwing of the gauntlet” to readers.