Uncertainty: A Certainly Great Bundle Offer

When I went to the World Domination Summit in Portland earlier this year, I had the chance to see (and meet) Jonathan Fields. I’ve read his book Career Renegade: How to Make a Great Living Doing What You Love, and his oratory skills are every bit as good as his writing is. This guy’s got […]

Brett Breaks It Down

Brett Terpstra, the man behind Notational Velocity fork nvALT (one of my three writing applications of choice), has written a great piece that addresses those who have said that his program is sluggish when dealing with longer pieces. His solution? Break those pieces down. Or use something like Scrivener1 to write them. 1 Scrivener also

On the Fringe

I’m a big fan of live theatre, having performed in my share of it. Right now, my fair city’s very own indie theatre festival, the Victoria Fringe Festival, is in full swing. It’s celebrating its silver anniversary this year, and from what I’ve heard there are some can’t-miss shows this year — more perhaps than

Outstanding: A Look at The Standing Desk Movement

It’s been about three months since I started doing the majority of my work at a standing desk…and I’m not the only one that’s been giving it a go. The standing desk working arrangement has been tried and tested by several highly-regarded web personalities: “In all, I’m really happy to have made the change and

I Put These On

Regardless of what Jesse thinks.1 I really like my Vibram FiveFingers. They’ve improved my posture, activated the side muscles in my feet (something that regular shoes don’t do) and have become my go-to daily shoe as a result. I will pick up a pair of the “Classic” edition once finances permit, but for now I’m

Tallking is Dead: Nicknames, Concerts and Twitter Whores

Talking is Dead is the podcast where I get to simply go off about anything. I’m not tied to any topic or meme whatsoever, and by the good graces of my co-host Anthony Marco, he lets me wax poetic idiotic as I see fit. Sometimes he even gets to talk. Earlier this week, Anth and

Productivity: A Writer’s True Currency?

As I begin working on my own book (which will take on a much different tone than the e-books I released earlier this year), I came across this video featuring author Walter Mosley. Seems as if I’ve got a whole lot of writing to do. (via Big Think)

Dyscultured: Jobs, Jack and HP

This was the first time in too long that I was around for the entire show — and, boy, was there a ton to talk about.1 We talked about Steve Jobs stepping down as CEO (we did the show on the day it happened), the death of NDP federal leader Jack Layton and another death

Where Reading Has Gone

I was doing some Internet stuff earlier and realized that I had yet to read my RSS feeds for the day. So I put away my MacBook Air, picked up my iPad, and launched Reeder.