
On Going iOS Only

I returned from San Francisco on Sunday, which marked the end of my iOS-only experiment. Not having the weight of my MacBook Air with me (not that it weighs all that much) was a refreshing change of pace for me while travelling, and I’m likely to go that route again the next time I hit the […]

Zero Vs. Done

We hear about zero a lot. I got to Inbox Zero. I have “zero” left to do today. I’m “zeroing” in on finishing that project. Zero isn’t the goal, because it never sticks around. Zero quickly turns to one, which then turns to more than one. And all in a much faster manner than anyone

OmniFocused: A Look Back at The OmniFocus Setup

This past Thursday I was privileged to be a part of The OmniFocus Setup, an event presented by The Omni Group that served to not only introduce its latest iteration of OmniFocus – OmniFocus 2 for Mac – but also to help current OmniFocus users get more out of what they’re currently using (namely the

The Freedom of Knowing

I’ve spent very little time in my task manager this week. It’s not that I didn’t have things to do – this thing you’re reading is one of those things, actually – but because I knew what I was going to have to do during my time away I had the ability to simply do


I think about words a lot. As a writer, this really shouldn’t come as surprise to most. But when I think about words, I think about more than just their general definition. I think about what they mean when coming from the person that’s delivering them. Take the word “almost”, for example. Almost coming from

iOS Only

I’ve left my trusty MacBook Air at home for the first time ever while traveling. It wasn’t an easy decision, but it wasn’t as difficult to make as I’d thought. Why? Because I’d completed all of the work through Monday that absolutely required me to have an OS X machine. I can do a great

How an Editor Makes for More Productive Online Writing

When I was an editor, my goal was to make whatever a writer had submitted better and yet still maintain the voice and tone of the original work. As an editor I also wrote pieces, but they were (for the most part) edited as well by someone else in order to improve the original work

The Pros and Cons of Using a Collaborative Task Manager

Those who have been reading this site for a while know that I use two task managers for the work I do: one is for individual task management (OmniFocus) and the other is for collaborative efforts (Asana).1 I gave Asana a real shot for both, but the power and allure of OmniFocus kept bringing me

The First 11 Books on The 2013 Reading List

During this past month I’ve assembled a list of books that I’m going to be reading over the next year. I’ve already made my way through two books since 2013 began, and they are as follows: Coffee Shop Contemplations by Nick Wynja OmniFocus Premium Posts by Asian Efficiency Both of these books cater to the