
User Error?

The image above is a tweet that really struck a chord. Not because it may or may not be true, but because it is so cut and dried in its delivery. I think it isn’t the tool that decides how it is used. This is especially so with the iPad.

7 Minutes

Since it’s all I have left in my MacBook Air’s battery charge, I have to ask: What can be done in 7 minutes? Not a ton of important stuff, but you certainly can lay the groundwork for some important stuff with that limit put in place. If you keep GTD in mind, then in 7

Sometimes You Have to Give In

I’ve managed to get sick. It started yesterday in the afternoon, as some of the telltale signs were showing up. The good thing about my body is it gives me some warning before it decides to shut down (or sputter) for a few days. As I noticed these signs and took a glance at what

Tweaking vs. Fiddling

I’m not a morning person. I tend to do my best work in the wee hours hours of the late evening, where I find that my creative juices are flowing. So I generally stay up late and get up late for that reason. I’m also not working so much as an individual right now either.

A Conservative Change

On a day where Canada’s Conservative government announced that our nation will no longer be making pennies, I find it fitting that I have some announcements on change myself… With all of the heavy-duty writing I’m doing these days, I’m going to pare back my pledge to post twice daily here. There will be at

Introducing Solo: The Social Network That’s Just For You

(Note: With all of the notice that Pair is getting lately, it reminded me that I received this press release a few days back regarding a hot new social networking app as well. It’s pretty compelling, so rather than water down the message, I figure I’d just share it with you as-is. Enjoy.)1 You’ve all

Multi-Penmanship: My Multi-Pen of Choice

The right multi-pen can make your paper-based productivity shine. But which multi-pen is going to work well for you? I’ve found mine…and it is excellent.

Single Serving

On the heels of Andrew Marvin’s excellent piece on “single-tasking”, I don’t think it’s just human beings that need to look at this as the way to go. Technology does. In fact, it can influence single-tasking just as much as it influences multi-tasking. And yes, human beings are the ones that generally create the technology

Apparently Productive Parents

The latest episode of Mikes on Mics focuses more on the “life” aspect of our lives and less on the “work” aspect. That said, sometimes that focus shifts – even for those who work hard at making the wisest use of their time – especially if you’re a parent with kids. Mr. Schechter and I