Decluttering iStuff: The Series

Like any gadget freak, I tend to get overenthusiastic whenever I buy a new toy. And that quality has been elevated with the arrive of the iPhone and iPad, because buying those devices is really just the beginning. And there really is no ending.

In short, I’ve got a lot of apps on both devices. Some I use religiously, others I use sporadically, and some I don’t use at all. So I’m going to start letting go of the ones that I simply don’t need anymore. I’ll keep them on my Mac, but they won’t reside on their corresponding iOS devices any longer.

Enter Decluttering iStuff: The Series. Every week (around Tuesday or Wednesday) I will write about a collection of apps that I am culling from the iPhone, iPad or both. I’ll offer my reasons behind dropping each of the apps, whether it is simply because of a personal preference or because it just doesn’t offer what I need in an app of that nature. It’s going to be a productive and fun challenge for me, and the idea of chronicling this decluttering project has been in the works for some time.

Some of the app categories I’ll be covering are:

I’m sure there’ll be others that I need to examine — just as I’m sure that many of you need to look at something like this as well. Hopefully this series will provide a resource for you when you begin decluttering your own iStuff.

Until then, just kick back and watch me hack away at my pages, folders and home screens.