Guest Starring

Over the next two months, I’ll be taking some time to wrap up some projects and hitting events like BlogWorld, Northern Voice and taking a little time off to go Whistler to watch my wife take part in the insanity known as Tough Mudder.

But unlike what I’ve done in the past — which is frantically write posts well in advance — I’ve enlisted the help of some of my writerly friends to offer up some of their own words here at to keep my readers company.

Starting next week you’ll be getting guest posts from exceptional writers — some of whom haven’t written in a while and yet have great ideas and thoughts that need to be read. I’m still finalizing all of those who are going to be submitting “guest starring” posts from now until after I return from the World Domination Summit, but those who’ve confirmed so far include:

…and there will be plenty more added to the list over the next week or so.

I’ll still be getting my own words in during this very busy time, but they won’t be happening every weekday. I’ll simply fill in the blanks and add my own thoughts a couple of times per week just to remind you I’m still around…somewhere.

Thanks to all of those who have offered to so graciously give their time and their words to help me keep my weblog running with freshness while I’m wrapping up my book, closing up some loops and generally not being around as much as I usually am. Please make sure to give all of those guest starring here a warm welcome, and interact with them in the comments.

I’m sure they’d be happy to interact right back.

Photo credit: Leanne Poon (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)