I Got Me a Book Deal!

It’s been two months since I announced The Front Nine, and earlier this week I sent off an update that was exclusive to those who subscribed to the eBook’s newsletter. I’m not going to reveal everything that was in that update (otherwise it wouldn’t exactly be exclusive now, would it?), but there is one bit of news that I definitely do want to share with all of my readers here at Vardy.me.

I’ve got a publishing deal.

That’s right…The Front Nine is not going to be self-published. I’ve got me an eBook deal!

Diversion Books will be publishing The Front Nine and I couldn’t be more excited about that! They’re going to help me reach as many people as I can with this eBook, and the hopes is that I can get it delivered within the next month so that we can start the editing and publishing process. If you haven’t heard of Diversion Books, I suggest you go and check out their website and look at the calibre of authors and books they have published, including Mark Cuban’s first published book, How to Win at the Sport of Business, as an eBook original.

Big thanks to Giles Anderson over at The Anderson Literary Agency Inc. for his help in making this deal happen.

Now…back to the writing. If you’d like more from me on The Front Nine, consider subscribing to The Front Nine newsletter, which will be updated more regularly as I head into the home stretch.

Which, by the way, I’m now well into.

Photo via: SXC.HU