The 2014 Productivityist Holiday Gift Guide

For the past two years, Productivityist has published an annual gift guide that features gifts that won’t just help the “productivityist” get more of the right things done, but they’ll have some tools that they can use that will make the process all the more enjoyable.

There are a lot of gift ideas to cover this year, so let’s dive right in.

1. Timbuk2 Commute Laptop TSA-Friendly Messenger Bag

I picked up this bag when my larger Booq bag finally didn’t work for my needs anymore. What I love about this bag is that I don’t have to taker my laptop out of it all that much anymore when going through airport security. That’s one less thing to worry about when I travel, which is always a good thing. It’s a durable bag and won’t make huge dent in your wallet, either.

2. Evernote Planner

Evernote partnered with Moleskine a couple of years ago, and this year they announced they were going to create a weekly planner with them. I just received mine not too long ago, and it works like a charm. If you’re into using Evernote as a task management solution (I’m not) or you know someone your list who does, then this notebook is worth considering.

3. NeuYear Calendar

Still my analog calendar of choice. It’s taken my game to a whole new level, and anyone who gives the NeuYear Calendar a try will see that having a bird’s eye view of their year really is a game-changer. I wouldn’t be nearly as ready for the year ahead if I didn’t have this valuable tool in my arsenal.

4. The Sketchnote Books

I’m going to make a concerted effort next year to get better at sketchnoting, and The Sketchnote Handbook and The Sketchnote Workbook are going to help me do just that. Mike Rohde has crafted some great books, worthy of any bookshelf.

5. Baron Fig Notebooks

The notebooks made by Baron Fig are truly phenomenal. I’ve barely written in my Confidant because it looks so good and I want to be as intentional with what I put in there as I can. I want to make sure what is in there is worthy of such a finely-crafted notebook. The Apprentice is the latest addition to the Baron Fig notebook line, and it has found a place alongside my trusty Field Notes notebooks as notebooks I’ll use on a daily basis…no matter where I am.

6. Drafts 4

If I’m not capturing ideas and tasks in one of my notebooks, it’s going in Drafts 4. Anyone who has an iOS device that wants to ensure they can get something out of their head and into almost any app of their choosing most certainly should have Drafts 4 installed on said device.

7. Blinkist

If you want to read quickly and still be well read, then Blinkist is for you. Blinkist takes business books and distills them down to their bare essence, all without leaving out any of the integral messaging the books offer. I’ve been able to “read” more this year thanks to Blinkist, and if you have a voracious reader on your gift list, then you can’t go wrong with Blinkist.

8. FitDesk

Yep. I ride a bike at work. The FitDesk has helped me get cardio in while reading, writing, and answering emails. Before I had a FitDesk, I was able to listen to audiobooks and podcasts, but now I can actually create more than just a healthier body – I can create content.

9. The Productivityist Workbook

This gift idea would be perfect for the budding productivityist in your life. The Productivityist Workbook covers four critical components of personal and professional productivity, comes in a variety of formats, and is only $5. I’ll be giving it a major update it in the first quarter of 2015, and anyone who buys it now will be eligible for any updates through to the end of 2016.

10. Dispatch

I almost always only deal with me email on my iPhone. Why? Because of Dispatch. It is action-oriented, meaning it gets my emails to where they need to be and gets me out of my inbox a hell of a lot faster. Sadly, Dispatch is still for iPhone only (CloudMagic functions similarly for Android users – and also allows for Exchange email accounts), but those of us who have that device should be using it. I’ve even installed it on my iPad Mini and scaled it up just so I can use it more often!

11. Harry’s

2014 marked the arrival of Harry’s in Canada, and I couldn’t have been happier when I finally received my first order. I haven’t left the house to buy razors in two years (Dollar Shave Club was my source up until this year), and with Harry’s I don’t need to put shaving cream or aftershave on the grocery list, either.

12. Philips Sonicare DiamondClean Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush

I finally went out and bought a top-notch rechargeable toothbrush this past year, and I’m glad I did. Not only does the Philips Sonicare keep tabs on how long I’ve been brushing, but it also has an indicator that tells me when to replace brush heads. It also comes with a glass that doubles as a charging unit. Very clever.

13. Productivityist Coaching

Know someone who could use some one-to-one coaching to help them get more of the right things done? Then Productivityist Coaching is worth a look. Since April of this year I’ve helped many people power up their productivity and level up their lives as a result. Surely there’s someone on your list that deserves to have that kind of gift this year?

14. CogniTea

I’ve taken to drinking tea more often than soda these days, and CogniTea gives me the boost I need to get through the tail end of the day. (Actually, it helps me get through the middle of the day too.) Unlike coffee, the caffeine in tea doesn’t jolt me at once and then result in a crash. So I’ll have my morning coffee and after that drink CogniTea and water throughout the day. So if you have a tea drinker on your list that wants to have more staying power in their day – or a soda drinker that is simply drinking it for the caffeine and you’d like them to scale back – then check out CogniTea.

(Note: Many of the links above are affiliate links. I have written that I use them in a blanket statement here, but the sheer number of them here compelled me to mention it in this article as well. Also, I’ve not listed pricing as it can vary from country to country. If you visit the corresponding links, you’ll get a good idea of what it will cost you where you are, and shipping ā€” where applicable ā€” can be better calculated as well.)

If you’re interested in exploring the previous Productivityist Holiday Gift Guides, check them out by clicking on the links below: