Mike Vardy

The View

Today my publisher called and told me that the book is doing well. This is good. They’re happy, so I’m happy. I’m watching Toy Story with my son right now, and for the first time ever he is sitting through it – and is happy doing so. He’s happy, so I’m happy. But until this […]

The Macworld Reviewables

After spending some time this week going through all of the items I brought back from Macworld, I’ve started to put together some thoughts on them. Over the next two weeks I’ll be writing reviews for many of the gadgets, books, and apps that I received during that time. Here are just some of the

Mailbox: The Band-Aid for Email

I managed to score early access to the new Orchestra-created mail app for iOS, Mailbox. The idea behind the app is to allow you to get to a point where you aren’t weighed down by your inbox – it allows you to use gestures and taps to turn your emails into actionable items (of sorts).

The Little Things

The little things matter. How they matter may vary depending on what you’re doing, but they do matter. Sometimes the smallest of things can get in the way of the bigger picture, like tiny sticky notes covering up the real meat of your paper planner. Sometimes the little things can weigh the most, especially if

On Going iOS Only

I returned from San Francisco on Sunday, which marked the end of my iOS-only experiment. Not having the weight of my MacBook Air with me (not that it weighs all that much) was a refreshing change of pace for me while travelling, and I’m likely to go that route again the next time I hit the

Zero Vs. Done

We hear about zero a lot. I got to Inbox Zero. I have “zero” left to do today. I’m “zeroing” in on finishing that project. Zero isn’t the goal, because it never sticks around. Zero quickly turns to one, which then turns to more than one. And all in a much faster manner than anyone

OmniFocused: A Look Back at The OmniFocus Setup

This past Thursday I was privileged to be a part of The OmniFocus Setup, an event presented by The Omni Group that served to not only introduce its latest iteration of OmniFocus – OmniFocus 2 for Mac – but also to help current OmniFocus users get more out of what they’re currently using (namely the

The Freedom of Knowing

I’ve spent very little time in my task manager this week. It’s not that I didn’t have things to do – this thing you’re reading is one of those things, actually – but because I knew what I was going to have to do during my time away I had the ability to simply do


I think about words a lot. As a writer, this really shouldn’t come as surprise to most. But when I think about words, I think about more than just their general definition. I think about what they mean when coming from the person that’s delivering them. Take the word “almost”, for example. Almost coming from