Mike Vardy

PAB 2011

My month of “conferencing” wraps up this weekend in Ottawa at PAB 2011. This event features many of the best and brightest in the podcasting and new media realm, as well as plenty of the best and brightest from other realms. We’re at about the halfway mark of PAB and I’ve been impressed with the […]

17 Reasons Why the Force Should Be with Victoria’s New Hockey Team

Victoria is getting major junior hockey after a 17 year absence, and the locals get to name the team. There’s a choice of names available to pick from, and I’m lobbying hard for the team to be named the Victoria Force. I’ve got 17 reasons (matching the amount of years we’ve been waiting for this)

Sixteen Days

So I was going to actively write for Vardy.me while I vacationed over the next sixteen days.1 I’ve since decided against that. I’ll be hanging out with my family during that time, so I’ll hang up my writing hat for a little over two weeks. Hope you’ll stick around to hear more from me when


I wish I was going to South by Southwest this year.1 It just wasn’t in the cards. Too many other travel plans cropped up that either appealed more (at the time) or I’d had prior experience with and felt the need to go again. I can only afford so much time away — both in

Why I’m A MaximumFun Donor

There’s very few things that I end up giving some of my hard-earned money to these days. I’m still a big fan of tithing, but with budgetary constraints one has to be more selective. I’m one of those who needed to apply some “donation curation” since my income can fluctuate from month to month. But

While I’ve Got Your Attention

I’ve been writing at Vardy.me for just over a month now and I think it’s time for a bit of a report card. I’d love to get feedback on… What I’m writing here. How I’m writing the “what” here. What else I could be writing here that I’m not yet doing. What other improvements could