Mike Vardy

Empire Avenue State of Mind

So…I had a totally different post ready to fly today. I was about to publish it, when I noticed that someone had bought “shares” in me via my Twitter profile. It piqued my curiosity, since I had no idea that I had an IPO on my social media profiles. Turns out I do — or […]

An Ode to My Mom

Today is my mother’s birthday. She turns…er…older.1 Now I could have left this article until Mother’s Day. Heck, I could have left this article altogether since it’s so personal in nature. But I owe Mom a lot, the least of which is this article.2 Mom has been with me every step of the way during

Extra Days

While none of us really has any extra days, I decided to take some after my return from Mexico to…well…get clear.1 Clearly, that’s why I’ve not written much here this week. I’ll be back on Monday…with a whole clip full of musings to last for a very long time. 1 I can hear Jimmy Cliff

My 5 Beers of Choice

I like beer. There, I said it. I go to the Great Canadian Beer Festival pretty much every year. I have graduated to the level of “connoisseur” in that I’m more than willing to throw away a sample of beer I’m not fond of, even if it has cost me a couple of bucks. I generally don’t drink

Picture This: A New Philosophy

This past weekend, I read a tweet from C.C. Chapman that really hit home. Never seen a visual RSS reader? Check out Pulse on an iPad and you’ll see why photos in blog posts are more important now.#blogchat At first I somewhat dismissed it, seeing as my goal with Vardy.me is to engage readers and

Hitting the Ground Running: A Fitness Achievement

You know, I’ve never been one for working out before. There was a point in time where I did workout for a few months straight with my friend Monique when I was doing the Body-for-Life program eons ago, but that was the longest stretch of physical fitness I’d ever participated in. Still is, but it petered out

Doing Productive vs. Being Productive

I started this journey towards becoming The Productivityist as many people do. I needed and wanted to be more productive. I’d invested a ton of time learning and trying productivity tips and tricks. So much so that I realized I was “doing productive” instead of being productive. Years ago I had an epiphany regarding my

The iPad 2: Down On Upgrade Envy

Well, the iPad 2 was announced today. And I can’t get it until March 25th. If I was going to get it, that is. Not that it isn’t an intriguing device, because it is. If I didn’t already have an iPad, I’d be all over it. But I don’t need the iPad 2, even though

iPad Writing App Impressions: Clean Writer

The second writing app I put through the paces in my ongoing experiment to find the best writing app for my iPad was Clean Writer. And while I’m not necessarily disappointed by it, I’m also not thrilled with it, either. And that’s not because it doesn’t deliver the goods.