There’s Always Time for Giving Thanks

Today I sent an update to those who have subscribed to The Front Nine newsletter containing an excerpt of the book, due to hit the virtual shelves later this Fall. After reading it again this morning, I realized that I sent it out on Thanksgiving (which is being observed here in Canada today) and it […]

Leaving Lifehack

The title says it all, really. As of the end of this month, I’m no longer going to be the Managing Editor at Lifehack. This wasn’t a decision I came to lightly…by any means. There were a number of factors that led to my decision, but the primary one was that my obligations were getting out


I spend a lot of time trying. Heck, we all do. By spending time trying I discover whether or not I am able to improve on something. Whether that’s a system, an app, or a workflow by using a system or app. Trying as a verb is great. As an adjective? Not so much. The

Life Going into the Fourth Quarter of 2012

(Note: This post went out to my Front Nine newsletter subscribers yesterday. Considering it is a more personal type of newsletter post — as in, I don’t that much about the book – I thought I’d make it available here as well. If you want to get updates on the book, then you can subscribe

The Most Unconventional Book Review I’ve Ever Written

Cal Newport is on to something. In his latest book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You, he goes against the grain of many popular theories that preach you should “follow your passion”. Instead, he suggests that skill trumps passion when it comes to a career. And I think he’s right.

How to Get Unstuck: The Big Paper Exercise

If you ever find yourself stuck and unclear of where you are and where you’re going, do the following to get unstuck and get moving again — in your right direction: Find some paper. The bigger, the better. Write out what you are doing, who you are doing it for, and why you are doing

Stop Searching and Start Shipping

Every day we open up our laptops, turn on our tablets or swipe our smartphones and start searching for something. Whether it’s within an app, or within the walls of the World Wide Web, or within our inboxes…we search. And while it’s true that we do tend to do something with what we end up