Macworld | iWorld 2012: Day One

Here’s what I’ve learned in the first day of my time at Macworld | iWorld: San Francisco is, not surprisingly, an awesome city. The Neat Company is going to do what they can to conquer the digital realm as they seem to have done with the paper realm. I may have to bid adieu to […]

Goodbye Google: Why I’m Untethering from All Things Google

What have I gotten myself into? Yesterday on Twitter I was engaged in a series of conversations that was spawned by this tweet I’d sent out: In fact, I am going to make a concerted effort to untether my online life from Google, using many of the resources mentioned during that barrage of tweets that

Staying Lit for SOPA and PIPA

I had strongly considered taking this site offline1 for tomorrow’s online protests, but my good friend Michael Schechter directed me to a spot on tweet from another one of my Persons of Internet — perhaps the first one I’d considered a Person of Internet — Merlin Mann: So rather than going dark for the day,

WordCamp Victoria 2012: The #WCV12 Roundup

This weekend has been a bit of a whirlwind, with the highlight of it being attending what I consider to have been the best WordCamp Victoria to date, WordCamp Victoria 2012.1 And I’m not just saying that because I was a keynote speaker. The calibre of speakers and variety of topics covered made this year’s

Been Caught Growing

I remember the first time I looked up at the sky and was amazed by it. Actually, let me correct myself: I remember the first time I looked up at the sky as an adult and was amazed by it. When I did, I realized that I was on the verge of making some major

Fine Without Foursquare

I honestly can’t remember when I quit Foursquare. Sure, I could look it up. I tweeted when I did it. In fact, when I did it…it seemed like a momentous occasion. I don’t even remember if I was at home when I did it. I can’t even check that now, because — after all —

The Journey to Keyboard Maestro: The Series

My last journey went over so well that I think it’s time that I take another. I had a few ideas where to venture into this time, but there was one that kept pulling me in no matter what I tried to do to steer clear. It’s not because I don’t want to go down

On Journaling

This is the first entry in my personal journal. Seriously. Even though I’ve posted it here as well, it’s going to be part of my journal that I will be keeping during the course of the year. Possibly longer. One of the things I believe is that January is not the best time to take

Review: The Information Diet by Clay Johnson

If there’s one book that is the ideal one to add to your 2012 reading list, it’s Clay Johnson’s The Information Diet. In fact, I’d suggest you read it first because it will inevitably make you rethink not just what’s on your reading list for this year, but what is in on your intake list