Sunday Quickie: My IdeaWave Love Poem

This is what came out of my head and onto a small piece of yellow paper during Dvora Levin’s1 IdeaWave talk “Everyone Can Write a 3 Minute Love Poem” presented during the first day of the conference. She provided the template, and we were to add our own modifiers during the process. Her template is […]

More Another Things: 122 and IdeaWave

A week of writing, a week of talking and a week of preparing for more talking. That’s been my week. Dyscultured #122 The crusade of OpenMedia tops the list of links we explored this week. In addition to serious topics like worldwide revolutions and the battles underway on the web between torrent sites, Google and

The Early Riser Experiment

I’ve been getting up at 5 am during the weekdays since last Monday, so it’s 9 days and counting. Rather than stay up until 1 am every night, I’ve been turning in at 10 pm Sunday through Thursday. On the weekends, I “sleep in” until 8:15 am and stay up until midnight — that way

The New Age of Online Writing: 6 Non-Bloggers

I hate the term blogger. Actually, let me rephrase that: I hate what the term blogger has become. Now the term implies a tone of little to no seriousness behind the work. Bloggers churn out “writing” like Jeff Goldblum did with food after he turned into The Fly. Sure it’s out there to be seen,

The 2 Best iPad Cases Ever

While I’m no authority on iPad cases, I know what I like — and what I need to get my stuff done. And I can say — without question — that I own the two best iPad cases on the market. I am using my iPad for a lot more things these days, as I’ve

Just Finish

“Don’t start with me.” My parents would say this to me frequently as I was growing up. I was really good at starting — not just with them — but with anything. It was the finishing that was the problem. You never hear anyone say, “Don’t finish with me,” do you? That’s because there’s never

More Another Things: 121 and Productive Magazine

This week’s been a big one. Lots of writing, lots of publishing, lots of editing and lots of other “lots” went down.1 First off, my Clean Writer experience may end a little earlier than I’d like. Maybe I started the whole iPad writing app experiment with the app that was the cream of the crop,

On Being Television Impaired

I used to watch a lot of television in my younger days. Hours of time gazing at the glowing screen wasn’t something that was out of the question. My habits have changed in recent years — including my television viewing habits. I don’t watch much television these days, but I do have some “can’t miss”

Writing Clean

As I had pledged, I’m continuing my testing of iPad writing applications. This short post was written using Clean Writer. Future ones will be longer. So far, I like what I see…but it’s going to be tough to beat the first app I selected to use.