
Review: 1Password 4 for Mac

Having a password management tool in your arsenal is a huge productivity booster, and I’ve been putting 1Password 4 for Mac through the paces for a while. Today it arrives in the Mac App Store, meaning the transition to version 4 on the Apple side of things is now complete. I’ve been using the iOS […]

Revisiting My OS X Email App of Choice

Remember when I switched to Postbox? I really enjoyed using it at first, but eventually found it was taking up more resources than I’d like — and decided I wanted an email app that was more “minimal” in its appearance. So I began to look at OS X email apps once again, with the hopes

The Friday Five: 5 Apps Worth Checking Out

The arrival of iOS 7 hasn’t slowed down my app testing. Both Schechter and I touch on the idea of making changes (such as upgrading an operating system) on this week’s Mikes on Mics, along with the idea of taking on new — or newer versions of — apps only when the need arises. With

A Look at Evernote Essentials 4.0

I didn’t really use Evernote all that much until this year. Sure, I used it for some things, but not nearly to its potential. And while I definitely don’t use it for task management1, I do use it as a means to store a lot of information. Wheter I’m using it to write down ideas

The Friday Five: 5 Apps Worth Checking Out

I thought I’d try something new here. I’m calling it The Friday Five, and on the first Friday of every month I’ll list 5 apps that I think are worth some of your time and attention. At first, the focus will be on iOS, Mac, and web apps, but as time goes by I’ll hopefully

How I Get Daily Reading Done on My Original iPad

It’s official: Google Reader is dead. That’s fine, because I’ve been using Feed Wrangler for a while now, and really like it. I’ve been waiting for Reeder support, and that arrived today (at least for the iPhone), but that doesn’t really help me on my 1st generation iPad. Since I use my iPad as my

The Appeal of

Noise can get in the way of productivity. Social networks are becoming noisier and noisier, and many of them are less useful as a result. But there’s one out there I’ve been using since it launched that remains a source of more serenity – and more utility as of late. That social network is

Drafts 3.0: The Latest Update to a Must-Have iOS App

The latest update to one of the apps that is key to my productivity path has just received another great update on both the iPhone and iPad. Drafts now sports a slew of additional features, including: Evernote Actions Drafts Management Reminders Integration Action Management Improved TextExpander Snippet Integration And that’s just for starters. You can

Productive Meal Planning with Basil and OmniFocus

As a stay-at-home parent who is tasked with cooking meals regularly, I had been looking for a way to add that aspect of my home life to my regular workflow. I’ve been using Basil for a while to gather recipes, and recently I came up with a way to use Basil in tandem with OmniFocus